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Things to move on with
duo-exhibition with Eugenio Marini
PS: Communitism, Athens, Greece
What keeps afloat
What carries on
First, to invent stories of things
Stories are boats
that keep afloat
That carry on
On the ocean of unknown
And then comes
A sail
A wind
A map
A compass
A paddle
What grasps firmly
What shows the way
We arrive to the land,
on the blanket
It grasps firmly
Ground reveals,
what once it has swallowed
What once has spiralled down
Spirals up
Creating a net with multiple centers
So it has capacity
To keep the stories
So they don’t get lost
So they show the way
They are our game-pieces
A blanket is a gameboard
Of webs of Visions
Of matrices of vibrations
Of branching networks
and grids of textures
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